Grab Promo Code & Voucher Malaysia in November 2024

10% OFF
Still valid
Get 10% OFF using Grab coupon code, without any minimum spend and applicable to all customers before 31/12/24
Up to RM20 Donations
Still valid
Pay up to RM20 on donations using this Grab discount before 11/10/2024. Applicable for all users, grab it now!
Dine-In Discounts
Still valid
Grab extra discounts using Grab promo code, without any minimum spend and applicable to all customers before 11/10/2024.
Travel Promo
Still valid
Apply this Grab Malaysia promo code before 31/12/2024. Applicable for all users, grab it now!
Still valid
Use this Grab voucher code, valid with no minimum spend needed and for all customers so quick, head down to the app or site get this discount now!
Bill Payment
Still valid
Use this Grab voucher code, valid until 11/10/2023 with no minimum spend needed and for all customers so quick, head down to the app or site get this discount now!
From RM3
Still valid
Enjoy as low as RM3 using Grab discount code without any minimum spend and applicable to all customers before 11/10/2024.


How to apply our Grab promo code?

  1. Using a Grab voucher is a smart way to save on your next ride or food order. Here's a simple guide on how to apply Grab codes:
  2. Customise your search for the service you want in the Grab app.
  3. Pick the necessary details according to the service you chose, like car type or food selection.
  4. Specify your pick-up or delivery spot accurately, including any extra requests in the comments.
  5. Head to the "Offers" section at the bottom right of the app.
  6. Add in the Grab voucher code from our site on the "Enter promo or gift code here" box for a discount.
  7. Verify your booking details before you finalise the booking.
  8. Now, wait for your driver or food delivery rider to arrive!

When does Grab have sale seasons?

Grab has sale seasons throughout the year, with the most significant ones around popular holidays such as Chinese New Year, Raya, and Christmas, as well as double-digit sales like 10.10, 11.11, and 12.12. During these sale periods, you can expect to find exciting Grab discount codes and promotions that will help you save even more!

Do new users get a Grab voucher on their first booking?

You will get a Grab promo code as a welcome treat for your initial booking. These Grab codes typically offer perks such as discounts or complimentary deliveries for first-time users. So, don't hesitate! Get the Grab app downloaded on your device now and begin saving on your first ride.

What are the benefits of subscribing to GrabUnlimited?

Choosing the GrabUnlimited subscription guarantees an abundance of free deliveries, as well as discounts on rides and food orders for a flat monthly fee. Additionally, subscribers will have access to exclusive promotions designed for GrabUnlimited members.

Are there Grab voucher codes for bank promotions?

Keep an eye out for Grab's collaborations with major banks, as they often offer Grab promo codes for specific bank card transactions. These partnerships include time-limited deals, so stay connected to our platform for the latest updates and take advantage of these opportunities before they disappear.